Monday, July 1, 2013

Who is it for?

So Social Media, who is it for? 

To many times we see students fall into the trap of posting inappropriate things on these social media sites.  There is definitely a way to encourage positive use for all children.  The first place we need to start is when the students are young.  Some of my co-workers students are friending them on Facebook at such a young age, 5th grade!!! I think that the earlier we introduce the proper way to use the sites is to teach the students in the 4th grade.  Some people may think that it is to young but when else should we start? 

Access to Technology

Today you can access Facebook, Twitter, Vine, etc., on your phones, laptops and tablets.  Is there ever to much access to these social media sites.

The more that we have access to them the more we use them correct? But are we using them in the right way?

Students should start using social media as a way to grow and learn in education.  Twitter is such a helpful resource to find interesting articles posted by many important educators.

US Dept. Of Ed.  Here is an example of a great twitter to follow!!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Legal and Ethical Issues

Since I mentioned some of the social issues in technology here is a brief video on what we should do about the Legal and Ethical issues! Video

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Social Media, how can it impact your college career?


Growing up and living in the age of technology has been a blessing and a curse.  I have had the ability to reach cousins and friends around the world. 

I was so excited to get my email address for college, not to receive emails from school but to set up my Facebook account.  That was a problem. 

I did graduate...see photo.....

However, having access to technology really put a hinder on my school and increased my social life.   
Eventually I became successful in college but it really had a negative affect in school.  I encourage many young adults to think before they spend time in class on social media sights instead of learning.  

Here's a website I found that address how technology, especially social media has affected students in the classroom.  
Technology in the Classroom

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post! Welcome to my page.  I will be blogging about social, legal and ethical issues in schools today around the world.
